Backroom Bar Bible

backroom bar bible

The cocktail app to shake up your home bar.

Javascript icon
React icon
NodeJS icon
Express icon
MongoDB icon
backroom bar bible home page

Backroom Bar Bible is a full-stack web application that helps users manage their home ingredients and discover new cocktails. The search function shows cocktails users can make with their ingredients, while the virtual bookshelf lets them save desired drinks to a cocktail book.

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Key Features

  • Efficient Search Functions: Cocktails are mapped to ingredients and vice versa, enabling an optimised algorithm to identify drinks users can make with their current ingredients.
  • Notebook-Inspired Design: The interface mimics a physical notebook, offering an enjoyable and immersive user experience. Custom graphics, created in-house, enhance the aesthetic.
  • Optimised Graphics Loading: Graphics are preloaded to ensure a smooth experience despite the high number of images, with dynamic adjustments based on screen size for optimal mobile and desktop viewing.

The front-end of the website was developed using React, with routing implemented via React Router DOM and state management handled by React Context.

The back-end of the website was developed using Node.js with Express and data management was handled using MongoDB and Mongoose.

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Challenges & Solutions

cabinet page
